Voting in tasks
The function is designed to organize voting in the comments of the task. The user can vote for any comment available to him.
Vote for the comment the user can in several ways.
1. To vote in the tape of comments of the task by clicking on the corresponding icons.
To vote in the comments stream to the user, simply click on the "Like" or "Do not like" in the comments (these icons are displayed if at least one user voted on the comment). In this case, the voting counter will increase by one vote and the icon will become a colored one ( or ).
A user can vote for each comment only once, but he can change his voice by comment as many times as he likes. The numbers next to the corresponding icons show the number of users who liked or did not like this comment.

2. Vote in the task's comments ribbon by selecting the appropriate items in the context menu.
To vote in the context menu there are "Like" and "Do not like". To view the list of voting participants, the menu item "List of Voters" is intended. The principle of voting repeats the voting in the commentary tape.

3. Vote through the selection of the relevant items in the context menu of the hint notification on the comment.
Voting via the context menu in the notification hint is only available if at least one user has already voted on the comment. To vote in the context menu of the hint of notification there are the same items as in the context menu of the comment.

To view the list of voters for the comment of users, click on the link "List of Voters", which is next to the comment counters, or from the context menu to the comment or hint.