Built-in communications
In the CRM-system "Prostoy Business" there is a wide range of built-in communication tools.
Call for free for internal calls and for low rates - for city and mobile numbers. Use the functions of a full-fledged PBX, incl. voice menu, call processing rules, forwarding, conferences, additional settings, recording of conversations, etc.

Open a mailbox on the prostoy.biz domain or connect any other mailboxes to the program. E-mail messages, scanned for spam and viruses, are placed in the right tasks based on flexible routing rules.
Communicate with employees using internal instant messages, both one-on-one (chat) and group (multitouch).
Send the fax directly from the entry in the client database or from the task's comment.
Do SMS or e-mail newsletters directly from the program to partners or customers - from the customer base.
Create video conferences with employees or send links to participate in the conference in the browser directly on the site. The moderator of the conference controls its course, gives the floor to those or other participants. In addition to the video, participants can have text communication and downloading presentation files. The quality of the conference adapts to the communication channel.

Register in the CRM-system "Prostoy Business" right now and optimize the cost of communication with customers and employees.