Managing tasks


To start effective planning of project implementation, you need to create a list of tasks that must be completed in the near future.

If the task is to be completed by a specific time, then it needs to set a deadline.

In order to identify the main tasks, i.e. which are most important - they need to assign the appropriate status of importance. Important tasks are highlighted by underlining, so they will always be in the user's field of vision.

The task is assigned to the responsible. Each task can be delegated (delegated) to another user.


Once the task list is ready, the tasks are time-bound and have priority, you can proceed to these tasks. To understand which of the tasks to perform first of all, you need to use the "My Tasks" tab, which displays the tasks that end today, those that do not have a deadline, and expired tasks. The priority of the task will help the user to decide what task to take.

The status of the task is marked by status: the task is assigned, confirmed, completed, etc.

Each user receives notifications about the change in terms, the importance of the task, new comments on the tasks in which the user is participating. Thus, the user is aware of the status of the task.

After the task is completed, the performer sets the status "Worked". This status is displayed by the customer. Having checked the work done, if necessary, the customer can either set the status of the task "Done", or send it for revision to the performer.


Monitoring assigned tasks: the user can control what tasks are assigned to him, see the history of the task. A list of tasks for which the user is responsible can be viewed on the "Tasks" tab of the questionnaire properties window. The status of the task affects its graphical display, and thus, the user can always see the status of the task execution.

Monitoring the employment of the organization's personnel: you can see the list of tasks assigned to each user

In the project properties, you can see a list of all its tasks, including completed tasks, as well as the history of tasks.

Such task properties as complexity and budget will help manage money.